Сарадња научника Србије и Хрватске у оквиру Југославије 1945-1965.


дои: 10.29362/2237.бон.191-208

У раду се на основу архивске грађе, објављених извора и штампе посматрају контакти научника из Србије и Хрватске у периоду 1945–1965. године. Прво су сагледани општи подаци о развоју науке у Југославији после Другог светског рата и законски оквири који су одређивали ингеренције савезних и републичких органа у области науке, просвете и високог школства и у великој мери утицали на облике и интензитет међурепубличке научне сарадње, па тако и на односе између научника из Србије и Хрватске. Посматрани период је карактеристичан по томе што су у њему постојали одређени заједнички југословенски институционални и програмски оквири у развоју науке и високог школства, који су од 60-их година све више слабили и прелазили у надлежност републичких органа. У првом плану су научници и високошколски наставници који су радили на Београдском универзитету и Загребачком свеучилишту као две највеће и најстарије високошколске и научне установе у земљи. Помиње се и сарадња Српске академије наука и Југославенске академије знаности и умјетности у оквиру Академијског савета ФНРЈ, као и контакти преко појединих научних института и научних друштава.



Development of the science in Yugoslavia after the World War II was dictated by the need to get society out of the inherited economic, cultural, educational and scientific underdevelopment and fulfill the requirements of The First Five Year Plan. Scientific policy was formulated, carried out and controlled by Communist Party of Yugoslavia and its Agitprop apparatus. Despite ideological and political loads and constraints Yugoslav science thrived on rapidly during post war decades. The work of scientific institutions and the development of science were managed by republican state authorities, while the federal bodies only provided general frameworks and principles, shaped legislation, managed the work of federal institutions, took care of cooperation with foreign countries and coordinated work of republican organs, scientific institutions and universities. Since 1957 the Federal Council for Scientific Work was in charge of development of the science at the federal, Yugoslav level (it was renamed later into the Federal Council for Coordination of the Scientific Work). Simultaneously with the liberalization of scientific policy and implementation of self-management during 50`s, the Federal state and party bodies were increasingly insisting on creating of a unified Yugoslav cultural and scientific policy, on strengthening of coordination and cooperation between republican scientific institutions and on fostering of the “Yugoslavism”. In this context, the cooperation between Serbian and Croatian scientists took place, in various forms, mostly through universities and academies of sciences. The cooperation between Belgrade University and University of Zagreb took place through faculty links, inter-university meetings, teacher exchanges, and since 1957 within Union of Yugoslav Universities. Academicians from Belgrade and Zagreb participated in the founding of the Academic Council in 1948 and then participated in work of the inter-academy committees and other forms of cooperation. Cooperation was also conducted through particular institutes, scientific societies and associations of the scientific societies, federal scientific institutions and certain joint projects. However, despite the great efforts of the federal state and party bodies focused on strengthening of unity, mutual cooperation and exchange of scientists, in the late 50`s it was estimated that Yugoslav unity and coordination of scientific work were not sufficiently developed, scientific institutions of Serbia and Croatia did not cooperate sufficiently, and even exchange of scientists was directed more abroad than to other universities in Yugoslavia.