DOI: 10.29362/2350.gas.215-228
Saradnja Zavoda Crvena zastava sa poljskom motornom industrijom od sredine 1960-ih do kraja 1970-ih godina predstavlja značajnu epizodu u istoriji obe zemlje, koja prevazilazi opseg bilateralnih odnosa i ulazi u domen globalne istorije. Obe motorne industrije, jugoslovenska i poljska, bile su deo Fijatove automobilske „imperije“. Veze Poljske sa Fijatom datiraju još od 1920, kada je osnovan „Poljski Fijat“, a saradnja Fijata i fabrike Crvena zastava iz Kragujevca počela je tek 1954. Istočnoevropsko tržište bilo je od izuzetnog značaja za Jugoslaviju, jer je pružalo mogućnost izvoza robe višeg stepena obrade koja nije bila konkurenta na konvertibilnom tržištu zapadne Evrope i uvoza energenata, sirovina i repromaterijala crne i obojene metalurgije (posebno iz SSSR) koji su u zemlji bili deficitarni. Do većeg političkog približavanja između Jugoslavije i Poljske došlo je sredinom 1960-ih, što je neposredno uticalo da Zastava uđe u inokooperaciju sa poljskom motornom industrijom. U obe zemlje tada su se odvijali reformski procesi. 24. aprila 1966. potpisan je Osnovni ugovor o dugoročnoj saradnji i proizvodnoj industrijskoj kooperaciji između Zavoda CZ i poljske motorne industrije (POLMOT), za period 1967–1975. Obe strane su od ovog ugovora imale višestruke koristi, jer su manje ulagale u kapacitete i mogle brže da uvode nove tipove vozila u proizvodnju, a postojeće modele su brže modifikovali za treća tržišta. Sa Fabrikom malolitražnih vozila u mestu Bjelsko Bjala Zastava je od 1. januara 1972. imala poseban aranžman o prodaji vozila 126p u Jugoslaviji, i izvoz delova za ovo vozilo u Poljsku, posle čega je saradnja produžena na period 1975–1980. Saradnja Zastave i POLMOT-a bila je vrlo plodotvorna i zapravo najbolja strana ekonomskih odnosa Jugoslavije i Poljske. Od početka kooperacije sa POLMOT-om, u narednih 20 godina u Jugoslaviji je prodato preko tri miliona malih automobila 126p. U prvih deset godina ove saradnje (do 1975) montirano je oko 30.000 vozila 125pz u Jugoslaviji, a u Poljskoj oko 50.000 poljskog fijata 125PZ. Na jugoslovenskom tržištu su prodavana tri vozila iz ove kooperacije – 125pz, „polonez“ i malolitražno vozilo tipa 126p koje je uvedeno 1976.
The cooperation between the „Crvena Zastava“ Corporation and the Polish Motor Industry from the mid-1960s to the late 1970s marks an important episode in the history of both countries, that goes way beyond their bilateral relations, forming a part of global history. Both Yugoslav and Polish motor industries were included into the Fijat automobile „family“. Poland became a part of the Fijat „family“ as early as in 1920, when the Polski Fijat was founded, whereas the „Crvena Zastava“ entered it only in 1954. The East European market was extremely important for Yugoslavia, since it provided the opportunities for both export of finished goods (otherwise not acceptable on the foreign markets due to their deficient quality), and import of energents, raw materials and intermediate goods of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (especially from the Soviet Union) otherwise not available on the domestic market. The political rapprochement between Yugoslavia and Poland took place in the mid-1960s, which gave the neccessary incentive to the cooperation between the „Zastava“ and the POLMOT corporations. At the time both countries underwent processes of reforming the existing state socialism sociopolitical systems. On 24th of April 1966 the Basic Agreement on Long-term Collaboration and Industrial Cooperation between the „Crvena Zastava“ Corporation and the Polish Motor Industry was signed for the period from 1967 to 1975. Both parties reaped various benefits from the reduction of investment costs and the possibility of both introducing new types and modifying then existing types of vehicles for the foreign markets. The „Crvena Zastava“ had a separate agreement with the Small Engine Factory in Bjelsko Bjala since the 1st of January 1972, for the selling of the Polish 126p type small engine car in Yugoslavia and the export of the 126p components to Poland. This cooperation was later extended for the period from 1975 to 1980. The cooperation between the „Crvena Zastava“ and the POLMOT was very fruitful and indeed the best side of the overall economic relations between these two countries. For the twenty years it went on, over three million small 126p type cars were sold in Yugoslavia. During the first ten years (until 1975) around 30 000 125pz type cars were assembled in Yugoslavia, and around 50 000 Polish Fijat 125PZ type ones. Three car types were produced as a result of this cooperation and were sold in Yugoslavia – the 125pz, the „polonez“ and the small engine 126p type, that was introduced in 1976.