DOI: 10.29362/2022.2619.sko.57-70
Poljsko-jugoslovenska antanta štampe osnovana je u Varšavi 1929. godine, u cilju uzajamne saradnje na jačem zbližavanju ove dve slovenske zemlje putem nacionalne štampe, kao i uzajamne zaštite zajedničkih i pojedinačnih interesa u nacionalnoj štampi obeju zemalja. Najaktivniji period delatnosti Poljsko-jugoslovenske antante štampe bio je u godinama neposredno po osnivanju kada je organizovan niz međusobnih poseta. Pored toga održavana su brojna predavanja, dok su novinari aktivno izveštavali o zbivanjima u dvema državama i međusobnim odnosima i saradnji. Ubistvo kralja Aleksandra Karađorđevića, kao i promene na spoljnopolitičkom planu, naročito uspon nacizma, uticali su na opadanje stepena saradnje. Iako je krajem 1934. u Poljskoj održan treći kongres Poljsko-jugoslovenske antante štampe, na slabljenje odnosa uticali su naklonost poljske štampe i vlasti prema Mađarskoj. Napori da se nesporazumi prevaziđu uloženi su tokom 1936. godine u vreme posete poljskog ministra inostranih poslova Jozefa Beka Jugoslaviji. Političke prilike u Evropi u velikoj meri su uticale na sve veće udaljavanje i slabljenje odnosa, da bi decembra 1938. godine obe strane ispoljile nezadovoljstvo međusobnom saradnjom. Dok je sa jugoslovenske strane zamerano izveštavanje poljske štampe o zahtevima susednih država Jugoslavije za revizijom granica, sa poljske strane mogle su se čuti primedbe na nezainteresovanost Jugoslavije za saradnju i kontakte sa poljskim predstavnicima. Rad Poljsko-jugoslovenske antante štampe koji u poslednje tri godine nije dolazio do velikog izražaja, posle ovih događaja u potpunosti je obustavljen.
Ljubinka Škodrić, POLISH-YUGOSLAV ENTENTE OF PRESS 1929-1939
The Polish-Yugoslav Entente of Press was founded in Warsaw in 1929, with the aim of mutual cooperation in achieving closer relations of these two Slavic countries through the national press, as well as mutual protection of common and individual interests in the national press of these two countries. The most active period of the work of Polish-Yugoslav Entente of Press was in the years immediately after its foundation, when a serial of mutual visits was organized. Besides that, numerous lectures were held, while journalists actively reported about situation in these two countries and mutual relations and cooperation. The assassination of King Aleksandar Karađorđević, as well as changes in the foreign policy, especially the rise of Nazism, influenced on the decrease in cooperation. Although the third congress of the Polish-Yugoslav Entente of Press was held in Poland at the end of 1934, on the decline of relations affected the inclination of the Polish press and authorities towards Hungary. The efforts to overcome the misunderstandings were made during 1936, at the time of the visit of Jozef Beck, the Polish minister of foreign affairs, to Yugoslavia. The political situation in Europe had a great impact on growing further distance and weakening the relations, and in December 1938, both sides expressed dissatisfaction with mutual cooperation. While the Yugoslav side had remarks on the reporting of the Polish press about the demands for revision of borders by Yugoslav neighbouring countries, on the Polish side, objections could be heard on the low interest of Yugoslavia for cooperation and contacts with Polish representatives. The work of the Polish-Yugoslav Entente of Press, which wasn’t very active in the last three years, has completely stopped after these events.