DOI: 10.29362/2350.bon.371-388

Rad se bavi životom i radom Ljubomira Durkovića Jakšića (1907–1997), istaknutog srpskog istoričara, bibliotekara i univerzitetskog profesora, sa posebnim akcentom na njegovim vezama sa Poljskom i Poljacima koje su bile veoma jake. Ljubomir Durković Jakšić je rođen u Crnoj Gori, gde je započeo školovanje. Započeo je studije na Pravoslavnom bogoslovskom fakultetu u Beogradu 1930. Od 1932. do 1939. studirao je u Varšavi, gde je diplomirao teologiju 1934, istoriju 1935. i pravo 1938. i doktorirao istoriju na Filozofskom fakultetu 1937. tezom o Petru Petroviću Njegošu. Radio je kao lektor srpskohrvatskog jezika u Institutu za istočne studije u Varšavi, zamenik dopisnika za štampu u Jugoslovenskom poslanstvu u Varšavi i zamenik univerzitetskog profesora za kanonsko pravoslavno pravo na Univerzitetu u Varšavi. U Varšavi je dočekao nemački napad na Poljsku i početak Drugog svetskog rata 1. septembra 1939. i kao dobrovoljac učestvovao u odbrani poljske prestonice. Posle poraza Poljske deportovan je u Jugoslaviju, gde je radio na prikupljanju pomoći za poljske izbeglice. Tokom Drugog svetskog rata je radio kao službenik u Patrijaršiji Srpske pravoslavne crkve i upravnik Patrijaršijske biblioteke. Posle rata je na Pravoslavnom bogoslovskom fakultetu u Beogradu predavao istoriju Srpske crkve. Od 1954. je radio u Univerzitetskoj biblioteci u Beogradu, do 1977. kada je penzionisan. Bavio se bibliotekarstvom, istorijom bibliotekarstva, kulturnom i političkom istorijom Srbije i Crne Gore i posebno političkim i kulturnim vezama južnih Slovena i Poljaka u 19. i 20. veku. Napisao je preko 600 radova, a u velikom broju radova se bavio raznim poljskim temama. Radove je objavljivao kao posebne publikacije, u zbornicima radova i u srpskim i poljskim časopisima, na srpskom i na poljskom jeziku. U ovom članku je na osnovu arhivske građe, štampe i literature posvećena pažnja onom delu Durkovićevog života koji je povezan sa Poljskom i Poljacima i izvršena je analiza njegovih radova koji se bave poljskim temama.



The paper deals with the life and work of Ljubomir Durković Jakšić (1907-1997), a prominent Serbian historian, librarian and university professor, with a special accent on his relations with Poland and Poles, which were very strong. Ljubomir Durković Jakšić was born in Montenegro, where he started his education. He began studies at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade in 1930. From 1932 to 1939 he studied in Warsaw, where he graduated the theology in 1934, the history in 1935, and the law in 1938, and received his PhD in history at the Faculty of Philosophy in 1937, with the thesis about Petar Petrović Njegoš. He worked as Serbo-Croatian language teacher at the Institute for Eastern Studies in Warsaw, deputy press correspondent in the Yugoslav mission in Warsaw and deputy university professor for Orthodox canon law at the University of Warsaw. The German attack on Poland and beginning of the Second World War on September 1th 1939 found him in Warsaw and he participated in the defense of the Polish capital as volunteer. After the defeat of Poland, he was deported to Yugoslavia where he worked on collecting aid for Polish refugees. During the Second World War he worked as an official in the Patriarchate of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Patriarchate Library Manager. After the war he lectured History of the Serbian Church at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade. From 1954 he worked in University Library in Belgrade, until 1977 when he was retired. He dealt with librarianship, history of the librarianship, cultural and political history of Serbia and Montenegro, and especially with political and cultural ties of the South Slavs and Poles in the 19th and 20th century. He wrote more than 600 works and in many of them he dealt with various polish themes. He published works as special publications, in collections of works and in Serbian and Polish journals, in Serbian and Polish language. In this paper, on the basis of the archival material, press and literature, attention was given to the part of Durković`s life that was related to Poland and Poles, and an analysis of his works dealing with Polish themes was made.