DOI: 10.29362/2022.2619.sta.427-442
Susreti na visokom nivou, kako političkih, tako i partijskih predstavnika, bili su glavna karakteristika političke strane odnosa. Privremeno prekinuti zbog „ratnog stanja“ u Poljskoj, obnovljeni su na najvišem nivou 1984. godine, kada je u zvaničnoj poseti Poljskoj boravila predsednica savezne vlade Milka Planinc, a već naredne godine posetu Jugoslaviji uzvratio general Vojćeh Jaruzelski. Političku stranu odnosa u 1988. godini karakteriše nastavak poseta visokih političkih zvaničnika. Svakako najbitniji događaj jeste poseta poljskog premijera Zbignjeva Mesnera, koji je boravio u Jugoslaviji krajem maja. Za vreme dvodnevne posete, njega su primili predsednik Predsedništva SFRJ Raif Dizdarević, predsednik Predsedništva Centralnog komiteta Saveza komunista Jugoslavije Boško Krunić i predsednik Saveznog izvršnog veća Branko Mikulić. Pored Beograda, posetio je i Brione, Pulu i Rovinj. Krajem septembra Jugoslaviju je posetio i Marjan Ožehovski, sekretar CK PURP-a. Njega je primio predsednik Predsedništva SFRJ Raif Dizdarević. Potpisanim protokolom o predviđenoj robnoj razmeni, planirano je da ona u 1988. godini iznosi 854 miliona dolara. Međutim, i pored određenih poteškoća, njen obim je premašen i iznosio je čak 925 miliona dolara. U Varšavi je u decembru potpisan protokol o robnoj razmeni u 1989. godini kojim je predviđen obim razmene u iznosu od 936 miliona dolara. Kulturno-prosvetna saradnja se odvijala na osnovu Sporazuma iz 1956. godine, koji su pratili trogodišnji programi. Na poljskim univerzitetima je radilo pet lektora iz Jugoslavije, tri za srpsko-hrvatski i po jedan za slovenački i makedonski jezik. Isti broj lektora za poljski jezik radilo je u Jugoslaviji. I naučno-tehnička saradnja se dobro razvijala i bazirala se na sporazumu za petogodišnji period 1986-1990. obuhvatajući gotovo 200 tema i projekata u 22 područja privrede i nauke.
High-level meetings, of both political and party representatives, were a major feature of the political side of relations. Temporarily suspended due to the „state of war“ in Poland, they were renewed at the highest level in 1984, when the Prime Minister of the Federal Government Milka Planinc paid an official visit to Poland, and the following year General Wojciech Jaruzelski visited Yugoslavia. The political side of relations in 1988 is characterized by the continuation of visits by high-ranking political officials. Certainly, the most important event is the visit of Polish Prime Minister Zbigniew Messner, who was in Yugoslavia at the end of May. During the two-day visit, he was received by the President of the Presidency of the SFRY Raif Dizdarevic, the President of the Presidency of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia Bosko Krunic and the President of the Federal Executive Council Branko Mikulic. In addition to Belgrade, he also visited Brijuni, Pula and Rovinj. At the end of September, Marian Orzechowski, the secretary of the Central Committee of the PURP, also visited Jugoslavija. He was received by the President of the Presidency of the SFRY, Raif Dizdarevic. With the signed protocol on the planned trade, it is planned that in 1988 it will amount to 854 million dollars. However, despite certain difficulties, its volume was exceeded and amounted to 925 million dollars. A protocol on trade in goods in 1989 was signed in Warsaw in December, which envisaged the volume of exchange in the amount of 936 million dollars. Cultural and educational cooperation took place on the basis of the 1956 Agreement, which was accompanied by three-year programs. Five lecturers from Yugoslavia worked at Polish universities, three for Serbo-Croatian and one each for Slovene and Macedonian. The same number of Polish language lecturers worked in Yugoslavia. Scientific and technical cooperation also developed well and was based on the agreement for the five-year period 1986-1990 covering almost 200 topics and projects in 22 areas of economy and science.