The Institute for Contemporary History (ICH – ISI in Serbian) was founded on 31 January 1969 through the integration of the Department for Historical Studies of the Institute for Social Sciences (created in 1958) and the First Department of the Institute for the Study of the Workers Movement (created in 1961). The founder of the Institute was the Federal Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY).
The deteriorating political, social and economic situation had resulted in serious cuts in the number of employees, scaled down to around two dozen. Yet, with the disintegration of Socialist Yugoslavia, the Institute for Contemporary History was not discontinued. From 1995 until 2000 fellows of the institute published another 33 monographs and a number of articles within the macro-project “History of Yugoslavia in the 20th century” (divided into subprojects: History of Yugoslavia 1918–1941, Yugoslavia in the Second World War 1941–1945, and Yugoslavia 1945–1992). The topical scope and variety of methodological directions of those publications reflect the Institute’s endeavors to adjust to novel approaches to contemporary history. Those endeavors were systematized in 2001 with the introduction of the project system.